Sunday, January 24, 2016

Episode Four: Rosa & La Cera de los Oidos

"Hello? Hellooooooooo?" Stanley and Mia sang in unison. They were trying to get Rosa's attention.
Rosa had her fingers in her ears. She was moving them around with such vigor that Mia briefly wondered if it was possible for a finger to break off inside one's own ear.

"Rooooosssssaaaaaa!" Mia caught up and tapped her on the back. Rosa spun around. She pulled her fingers out with a satisfying pop. She smiled and shoved her hands in her pockets.

Mia and Stanley needed Rosa's advice.

"What?" asked Rosa.

"The science fair! We have a quest-- hey wait a second. What were you doing with your ears?"

"Yeah," said Stanley. "What's in your ears?"

"Nothing," Rosa replied. "What about the science fair. Actually nevermind. Ask your teacher. Or someone else. I have to go anyway. I'm babysitting today." She started to walk off again.

"Rosa. We need to know how to win. We know it has to do with the human body. And, like, you're really smart and your project last year was so cool. And maybe you can help us." Mia tried not to sound desperate. She stared at her own feet as she muttered on. "See, Stanley and I are working together and . . . " She looked up. Rosa had stopped, but she seemed to be digging at her ear again. Without even acknowledging Mia, she began to walk again.

Mia felt her hands get hot. She hated being ignored. She had tried so hard to be polite. She stomped her feet and clenched her fists.

She had had enough. "No! It's not okay. Rosa! What is so interesting about your ears anyway?" She shouted. Usually, she tried not to shout. But now her words came out loud and angry.

Rosa turned, red in the face, hands shoved in her pockets again. She took a deep breath that Mia recognized as something she was taught to do when angry. "Wax. Okay. I have a lot of ear wax. And right now, it really tickles. And it's really annoying. And I can't listen to you and be tickled in my ear at the same time. I don't even have to babysit. I just want to go home and get the wax out. Okay? That's all."

Stanley had been standing quietly. He piped up now. "Ear wax will come out on its own if you leave it alone!

Never use a cotton swab. 
Never use your doll named Bob. 
Every time we move our mouth,
The wax will start to work its way out!"

He grinned. "My mom taught me that."

Mia and Rosa stared at him. Rosa opened and closed her mouth. A tiny little golden flake fell onto her shoulder. She dusted it off, turned on her heel, and walked away without a word.

Mia looked at Stanley. Where did he come up with these things? "Doll named Bob, huh?"

Stanley shrugged. "Yeah."

"Let's go home, Stanley. We'll talk to Rosa another day."